Gum Disease is Caused by Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is nothing to take lightly, it can be deadly. If you have red, swollen gums or if they bleed when you brush your teeth, you have an inflammation and gum disease. Gum disease is inflammation that has gone unchecked. It can lead to inflammation throughout the body and be life threatening.

Chronic inflammation is linked to heart disease, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis,cancer, and many other diseases you don’t want. What happens is, bacteria from your mouth gets into the blood stream when your gums are inflamed and travel throughout your whole body. With diabetes on the rise, it’s important to know that gum inflammation makes it more difficult for diabetics to control their blood sugar.

Research also shows that people with gum disease are also at much greater risk of oral cancers, and some other types of cancers. Men take note: Men who have gum disease and inflammation have a greater risk of having erectile dysfunction. The good news is, chronic inflammation is something you do have control over.

It’s not that difficult to prevent oral inflammations. Follow what you’ve been told all your life by your mother, your teachers, your dentist, and doctors. Brush your teeth And gums twice a day, and floss daily. This will also help prevent bad breath.

And visit your dentist for cleaning twice a year. It’s a pretty simple solution to what could cause you great pain, or even your life.

Another way to prevent gum disease, and most other diseases is to eat an anti inflammatory diet. Lots of fruits and vegetables, fresh if possible. An omega 3 dietary supplement and eating a certain kind of honey could also control inflammation throughout the body.

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