Make the best of Product Listings on FBA

Create Amazon Product Images that Convert - Guide for FBA Sellers with  Examples - Wearegrowthhack

You are going to have to put in a lot of effort and put in a lot of hard work at this point in the process. The goal here is to develop a listing of such high quality that it compels the customer on the other side of the computer to buy your stuff. When done properly, it has the potential to be a huge boon for your company’s sales, but at first blush, we realize that the prospect may seem fairly overwhelming.

To begin the process of creating your initial listings, go now to the catalogue part of the dashboard for your Seller Central account. From there, you may add items. In this part of the page, you will have the opportunity to search for the name of your product and locate listings that have already been created. Having said that, you really must not act in such a manner. Instead, you should concentrate on constructing a brand-new listing from the ground up for your goods.

Find the category that best fits your goods by looking through all of them. After you have located it, click the choose button, and then fill in the blanks with the fundamental information about your items. You will also be asked to input a brand name here, and we at SellerApp strongly advise you to choose something that is applicable across a wide range of industries. By choosing a more general moniker for your company, you guarantee that you will not be confined to operating inside a single market segment, and you also increase the likelihood of being able to offer various items in a variety of markets in the future.

UPC and FN SKU Barcodes

If you don’t have this information, you won’t be able to create a product listing. A UPC barcode is the most prevalent kind of product identifier. One of these must be purchased, and the best method of doing so is via GS1. You may retrieve your product’s FN SKU barcode by clicking ‘Save and Finish’ after entering your UPC barcode information into the system. If you haven’t input anything else, don’t worry; we’ll get to it later. Let’s start with the barcodes for the time being. ‘Print Label Items’ may be found in the inventory area once you’ve completed your listing. As a result of this step, you will be able to produce a barcode that must be shown on the packaging of your goods.

Keyword Research

You may remember that previously in this tutorial, we had a conversation about doing keyword research. The reason we are going over this topic once again is that doing so will assist you in composing the content for your listing. The concept behind this is very straightforward: you start with your primary keyword and work to develop variants on it. This will guarantee that you are targeting all of the pertinent keywords that have a significant number of searches. In addition to this, it will assist you in the discovery of new keywords, which will in turn provide a wide variety of new chances available to you to target.