Social Media Optimization is a New Technique to Optimize Your Website and Online Services

Social media has never been more powerful than now. With new methods evolving in online social media arena, social media optimization (SMO) has become the buzz word in the Internet marketing services market. A SEO India company is known for the best online marketing services including social media optimization and content optimization. These services aim at optimizing the Website for prospective users through various online tools such as blogs, social networking Websites, micro blogging services, online video tools, etc.

Social media optimization (SMO) is a relatively new concept. SMO can be viewed as an extension of search engine optimization (SEO). While SEO strategies aim at optimizing the Website mainly for search engines, SMO target the social community or the customers directly. However, both methods are complementary to each other. When a Website is optimized for search engines, it is naturally optimized for the target viewers, or the customer community. Similarly when a Website is optimized for social media, it naturally gains a lot of organic links and content that will help raise its page ranking among different search engines. In this regard, we can say that both SEO and SMO are interrelated and can be accepted as part of online marketing strategies of a business.

The most important SMO services offered by SEO Services India Company include content optimization and link building. Rohit Bhargava, who coined the term ‘social media optimization’ suggest six important rules for making a Web site more social media friendly. They are: increase the linkability of the Web site, include methods for easy tagging and bookmarking, reward inbound links, encourage mashup, help the Web site travel to other sites, and lastly, stay connected with other communities as much as possible. These are the fundamental rules to be kept in mind while optimizing a Web site for social media.

Link building plays an important role in SMO. If your Web site is the source/route of a number of traffics, it is likely to carry more points in SEO terms. What really happens here is that the page rank of the linked Web sites also contributes for the page rank of your Web site. For example, if your Web site is linked to Facebook, a popular social networking site, the page rank of your Web site will be improved significantly because of the impact of the traffic generated to Facebook from several other sources. The power of social media is reflected here. Social networking sites or any other social media sites such as photo sharing, article sharing or video sharing Web sites contribute in this manner because they are the sites that get the highest ranks in search engines.

Bookmarking is an important SMO tool that helps in building useful links. There are several bookmarking sites that offer this service, which helps a content travel to infinite number of destinations, depending on its quality. SEO Services Company helps clients achieve the best results from such services. They develop quality contents that can contribute for organic SEO and circulate them to different locations through social bookmarking services such as, digg and reddit. Depending on the requirements, the SEO India Company also provides them with other SMO services such as blogging, online forums and others.

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