Drive-thru fair draws long lines of cars for a taste of the Carolina Classic | Local News

Chris Grimmett, the director of community and volunteer relations for Crisis Control, estimated that the organization had received more than 1,000 pounds of canned goods by 5 p.m. Thursday. “And we expect this to be our slowest day,” he said. “We feel really fortunate. (The fair) is usually our biggest event of the year. Last year, we collected 70,000 items.”

After snaking through the fairgrounds and having an opportunity to donate food to Crisis Control and loose change to the Salvation Army, people had orders taken by fair workers and then had an order number put on their windshields. Fourteen vendors are offering a wide variety of fair foods that includes sirloin tips, candy apples, pineapple smoothies, and sausage and peppers. Once people ordered and paid with a credit card, they pulled their car around the far side of the vendors and waited. Runners assembled orders in bins and carried them to cars, matching the number on the windshield with a ticket.

Randy Beck said that his wife, Sarah, and kids, Haynes and Abigail, “insisted” he drive them to the fair Thursday. They were patiently waiting for an order of fried Oreos, fried pickles, hot dogs, cotton candy and more. “We love the food!” Haynes said. “And I also miss the rides.”

